Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Thank you.

Thank you to everyone that participated, everyone that came, everyone that wanted to come, and those that donated. The Bladeathon was a wicked success.

During the last week, including last night, we all raised $800.00. I will be sending the money to the Dominican Republic next week, however, if you would like to make a future donation to Uganda or the Dominican Republic, please include a note on the memo and mail checks to Hannah Nusz, same address.

Finally, I would like to make a couple of shout outs:
1. Hannah Nusz- you conquered so many fears. Thank you for not giving in to pain.
2. Kate Weins- Rookie of the year! You were incredible
3. Kerrie Emig- Thank you for taking charge and handling the money at the Brewery
4. 23rd Street- You were incredible. Thank you for your assistance, and thank you for being so kind and supportive.

We may have gone the distance... but the rest of you came.
(pictures to come)

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